I was tooling around on my blog today trying to avoid re-working the end of WHITE CITY so I can get it to my dream agent, when I ran across the stats info.
I love that page. It’s like I’m stalking myself. It tells me all sorts of fun stuff, like what countries are checking in to see what I have to say, how they got here, what they’re searching for that brought me up, and how many page views I get. I was shocked! Way more than I thought. Although, probably a good majority of those are from myself. 🙂
So, I’d like to take a minute and give a shout out to all of you who are visiting my blog. The good ole U.S. of A, Canada, eh?, the UK, Russia, Australia (David Thorne rocks, btw), Brazil, and a few I was excited to see – Malaysia, Poland, Denmark, and Iran.
So, thanks for stopping by and a loud and obnoxious…..What up!!!
Reading this? Tell me where you’re from.
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