I’ve been trying to teach Hubby the difference between the meaning of “a couple” and “a few”. Correction: I’ve been trying to teach Hubby that those two phrases actually have a numeric value attached to them. I figured this was a necessity in our marriage after a few trips that went like this:
Hubby: “We need to go to the sporting goods store.”
Me: “Why?”
Hubby: “I need to look at some camping/fishing/hunting stuff and a couple of other things.”
Okay, I could handle that. Meanwhile, TWO HOURS and every product in the store later, I realize Hubby doesn’t know that couple & few have literal values. So, I decided to educate him the next time he tried to pull this with me.
Hubby: “I need to go to Wal-Mart.”
Me: “For what?” *Trying to finish Blood Red Road*
“I need to look at a couple of things.”
“First of all, you don’t need to, you want to.”
*Rolls his eyes* “You’re right; I want to look at a couple of things I need.”
Touché, Hubby, Touché. “How many things?”
“I don’t know–a couple.”
“A couple is two.”
“No it’s not.”
“Yes it is.”
“Fine then. A few things.”
*Doesn’t look up from book* “A few is three.”
“No it isn’t.”
“Yes it is, look it up.”
“I don’t like being limited.”
“Tough, you have to choose. I don’t want to wander around Wal-Mart for hours; it’s a black hole in that place. Seriously, who puts water filters for Brita pitchers in the auto section?”
“What if I need more than three things?”
“For you, that word doesn’t exist. Three’s your limit”
“Fine, a few things.” At which point I think the conversation is over. But then I hear him say under his breath, “Or right around there.”
Just when I think I’ve got him….
Happy Thursday, my friends!
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