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Break it down now!

Writer's picture: RaeLynn FryRaeLynn Fry

Guest Judges: Lil’ C & Kristin Chenoweth

Announcements: Lil’ C is doing a rap album? Say what? Ummm…he can’t talk without using 10 syllable words, how the heck is he going to rap?

Group Dance: Tyce Diorio Broadway with Clarice, Sasha, Ryan, Miranda, Tado, Marko, Chris & Mitchell This was a really fun dance with generic costumes and low lights, designed for everyone to somewhat look the same. Yet, despite the set up, Tado shone like a star. I think he’s quickly becoming one of the powerhouses for the boys. Ryan and Clarice stood out to me, too, but not for being the best. I can always count on Tyce for giving us a fun number. Favorite routine.

Sasha & Alexander: Loved, loved, loved this contemporary routine by Dee Caspary. The premise was the memory of a long lost love awoken. When Sasha came out of the prop piano, here opening movements and their lift was beautiful. Everything in the dance was fluid and emotional and oh so powerful. I really like these two dancers together – they know how to make the best of what their choreographer gives them. The ending with the hands on the piano keys was perfect. We haven’t seen much of Dee on the show, but he’s wonderful. Favorite routine.

Mitchell & Caitlynn: They got a Samba by Jean-Marc. I’m gonna be honest. Jean-Marc’s routines are hard and amazingly awesome (by the way, where’s his wife? Usually they choreograph together, but I haven’t seen her once this year). His dancers have to work extra hard when dancing one of his dances. And Mitchell & Caitlynn pulled it off. They got the hips down (I guess the lawnmower worked) and the lifts were strong. The only thing I didn’t like was Caitlynn’s dress. It was very distracting. While they were good, I have seen better. They looked like they were being too careful in some parts; trying too hard to get the moves down perfectly instead of just dancing.

Miranda & Robert: Danced a Tyce Broadway routine where Miranda was a sultry, high-class woman of the night. Robert really surprises me each time he dances with what he gives us. Every time I think, “Oh no. He’s going to go down on this one” he shows me he can do it, and that he can do it well. With Miranda, I feel like the choreographers never giver her enough to make her really shine. She does good with what she’s given—rocks it, really—but I which they would play to her strengths more.

Melanie & Marko: This was a super fun NapyTabs hip-hop routine about a man stood up at the altar, and finding that his friend that’s there for him, is his true love. NapyTabs never give anything but awesome routines for their dancers. They were together (for the most part) and really hit all the points with perfection and feeling (they even kissed towards the end which made Nigel kiss Mary, which made Kristin kiss Lil’ C which made Nigel kiss him, too!). The only critique I have for these two, is that they need to make their movements the same size. Favorite routine.

Ashley & Chris: A Sonya jazz routine! Yay! But wait, oh how sad. Neither of her routines tonight were true “Sonya” routines. They felt constrained and diluted. It disappointed me because she’s one of my favorite choreographers. This routine had to do with our darker halves (Beetlejuice was her inspiration). The costumes and make up were distracting, and neither Ashley or Chris danced it as it should have been danced. They weren’t hard and sharp and awkward like they should’ve been. I still liked it, because it was a Sonya routine, even when they did the dying bug at the end.

Clarice & Jess: Oh my gosh. This one took my breath away. It was a foxtrot by Jean-Marc. Wanna know why I loved it so much? I love Frank Sinatra. I love the song they danced to. I love the era they were dancing in. And I loved this number. Jean-Marc had Clarice & Jess in mind when he mapped out this dance. Showy enough for Jess’ Broadway skills and elegant enough for Clarice’s technical beauty, they both shown independently, and when they came together, it was magic. It was so much fun to watch. Favorite routine.

Ryan & Ricky: they had a contemporary Sonya routine, and as I said before, It wasn’t up to par. The costumes were distracting and made the dancers look a little awkward. Ricky made the lifts look so easy, and they packed a lot of emotion into the number.

Jordan & Tado: NapyTabs hip-hop number about waking up in bed with someone who shouldn’t be there. This number was soo much fun! Jordan and Tad hit it well, danced it well, and were awesome together. She admitted earlier in practice that she was a little uncomfortable with this number, and that somewhat showed through in her dancing, but they both still did a superb job. (oh, btw, Cat, “sensible” doesn’t start with a “C”. ) Favorite routine.

Group Number by Dee for Ashley, Jordan, Melanie, Caitlynn, Jess, Robert, Alexander, & Ricky. Set in the medieval times, and has the women trying to poison the men. This was a GREAT number. That’s all there is to it. I loved the costumes and the way the women dominated the men and the song they danced to (The Civil Wars are totally awesome. They were in town recently for a concert). Favorite routine.

My bottom three couples? Based on the dances, I think it will be Ashley & Chris, Ryan & Ricky, and Sasha & Alexander (even though I don’t think they should be there). –Me

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